Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Invest in Unique 3 Stone Diamond Earrings

There are many different diamond earring settings but the 3 stone diamond earrings are so beautiful. There are different types of settings that are commonly used with 3 stone diamond earrings. They are the bezel set, which is most common, or the claw set also referred to as the prong set.

With the claw set there is 3 or more pieces sticking out, which are bent over the diamonds. They just lightly hold the diamond in place, which is why not everyone likes this type of setting. With the bezel setting the metal surrounds the diamonds, which is the most popular setting.

The bezel setting is used with diamonds and some other gems. So if you are pairing gems and diamonds together you may still be able to choose the bezel setting. It is important to mention it does not work with all gems. An interesting choice for 3 stone diamond earrings.

You can also choose between two different diamond cuts. The facet cut has many different angles on the diamond and it’s by far the most popular cut in the 3 stone diamond earrings. It is really the most common.

The other diamond cut is the cabochon. With this style of diamond it is not faceted instead relying on a very shallow angle to hold it in place. Think of opals – they are almost always a cabochon stone. While they can be used with 3 stone diamond earrings its not common

A bezel is very safe because it never gets caught and torn off your 3 stone diamond earrings like sometimes happens with the claws. Bezel settings are very durable and a really good choice for your 3 stone diamond earrings and other diamond jewelry too. Best of all the bezel setting can give your 3 stone diamond earrings a truly unique look. A bezel setting can cost you a little more but overall and it’s worth it because it is so much more durable and it also provides you with a beautiful traditional look. With diamonds it is definitely worth the little extra.

But there is a place for the claw setting in the 3 stone diamond earrings too. The biggest asset in choosing a claw setting is the openness of the diamond because the claws don’t cover it. That means you see a lot more of the diamond and in a 3 stone diamond that can be a lot of impact. The light also passes through the diamond so you get to enjoy the full beauty of your 3 stone diamond earrings.

The light reflects off the various parts of the diamond and then bounces back to the eye producing an outstanding look. There are several different cuts of stones that look great in the claw setting. The emerald, marquise and square cuts look outstanding and can be used with 3 stone diamond earrings.

Different diamond cuts have different claw shapes used. The claw setting and the bezel setting have their place. One will look better than the other depending on the cut of the diamonds, the size, and a host of other factors. If you are looking for something just a little different you can consider bezel set 3 stone diamond earrings. There will be no question that you are a fashion goddess!

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